The song you all know as “Tuina ko…” actually had a very VERY different start. So much so that it is almost a completely different song.

The development of the song began with the lyrics which then formed the music. The initial idea was to really celebrate the endangered instruments like Piwancha and Paluwa in the instrumentation of the song. However, as the song evolved, we began stripping away the complexities and really hone in on the sound the lyrics substantiated. The more stripped down, acoustic version of Tuina is what we feel is the definitive version.

But it doesn’t hurt to share old experiments!


Glad to hear acoustic version.And yeah it definately does not hurt to share an old experiment.Cheers!!!

P.S Just cant wait for the album to release.All the best guys.

So nice to hear the Inception of this song.

Good work night band … Din Ko Tara

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